FULTON, NY – The Fulton Lions Club recently donated $1,000 to Fulton Block Builders.
From left are: Dave Guyer and Linda Eagan.
“The Fulton Block Challenge neighborhood revitalization program is a critical step forward in reshaping our city and restoring pride, one block at a time,” said David Guyer, Lions president. “Fulton Lions is proud to be a supporter.”
Guyer is shown with Linda Egan, FBB administrative director.
For more information on FBB, contact Egan at fultonblockbuilders@gmail.com or visit www.FultonBlockBuilders.com
Fulton’s Lions Club, also known for its Lions Loot Sweepstakes, (April 30) and Lions Mane Event Comedy Night, provides financial assistance for those in need of eyeglasses, eye exams, and hearing aids to residents in the greater Fulton area.
For further information on Fulton Lions, visit its Facebook page under “Fulton NY Lions.”