FULTON, NY— “Due to the current health crisis, the Fulton Lions Club has moved their Lions Loot drawing from April 26 to May 17,” said club President David Guyer.

“If conditions have improved to the point that we may have a gathering with several hundred people, we will hold the event on May 17 as originally planned, with doors to the Fulton Polish Home opening at noon,” Guyer said. “If not, we will make an announcement ahead of time that the gathering is off, but we will still have the drawing on May 17 at Noon and broadcast it live on Facebook. All winners will be notified as soon as possible. “We know a lot of people wait until the day of the event to buy their tickets at the door. Because of these new circumstances, it just makes sense to buy tickets in advance.”

“That extends the time you have to purchase a ticket that could be worth $10,000,” said co-chair Ron Browning. “ First prize is $10,000 with 13 additional cash prizes. “Support for this event helps the Fulton Lions Club provide many Fulton area residents with eye examinations, eyeglasses, and hearing aids,” Browning said. “Donations for each ticket are still $50 for adults aged 18 or older. More than one name may be on a ticket and requests for a special number will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis.

“Every ticket sold will be in the drum for every drawing, you do not need to be present to win, and you can win more than once. Taxes are the responsibility of the winner.

“Each ticket purchased allows two adults to attend the drawing and enjoy food, drink, and entertainment the day of the drawing. We urge you to return your applications as soon as possible.”

Ticket applications are available to download online on the club’s Facebook page: “Fulton NY Lions,” and at Chirello Advertising, Fulton Polish Home, Brewer & Brewer, Mimi’s Drive-in, both Fulton and Phoenix Medicine Place pharmacies, and Tavern on the Lock. Ticket applications can also be mailed to individuals by contacting Ron Browning, co-chair, at 561-9021.

For more information, contact event co-chairs Browning at 561-9021 or Dave Dingman at 450-2678. For more information on the Lions Loot, visit their Facebook page under “Fulton Lions Loot Sweepstakes.”
